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Third Sector

The "Third Sector" – beside or at the interface to market and state - and the debate on the societal relevance and framework of not-for-profit organisations are significant topics of Zoom e.V. Our goal is to connect different approaches and threads of discussion in this field. This means that we see the Third Sector, its organisations and initiatives as relevant spaces,
  • where development of civil society, participation and integration can take place
  • where there is a potential for community-based employment and social economy
  • where there are chances for an active labour market policy based on social rights
  • where various forms of work and activities can be designed and tested.
We seek to develop concepts for a framework of the "Third Sector", which allows its full potential to take effect and with it to promote its own logic of action and function.

Completed Projects:

Project "instruments & effects"
By connecting employment policy and the Third Sector, Zoom e.V. conducted the project "instruments & effects." From November 2002 to January 2005, this project was funded by the European Social Fund. The primary goal of the project was to develop recommendations in order to secure the multi-faceted objectives and organisational forms of the Third Sector for societal development. (Duration 11/2002-01/2005)

Contact: Sandra Kotlenga