Central issue of the project PUSH (Public Subsidised Employment in Europe) was the design and the framework of publicly subsidised employment. PUSH was supported from the European Social Fund according to Article 6 (innovative measures of local employment policy). Project leader was the Lawaetz Foundation (Hamburg), partner organisations were Zoom e.V., the City of Göttingen, the Federal Working Group for Labour (BAG Arbeit) as well as the Dublin Employment Pact.Prior to the co-operation project PUSH two projects in Hamburg and Göttingen with the participation of the Lawaetz Foundation and Zoom e.V. took place which were both funded by the ESF Art. 6; their goal was to develop concepts for local employment policies with a focus on publicly subsidised employment. In Göttingen, the project instruments & effects was about the funding of social and cultural infrastructure in the so called Third Sector, an issue hardly any attention was paid to so far. Goal of the follow-up project PUSH was to collect the results of earlier projects in Hamburg and Göttingen and to disseminate the results throughout Europe.
The project partner assumed that the chances of publicly funded employment just are up to their multi-dimensionality. The connection of different goals - the improvement of individual labour market chances, the social integration, the support of infrastructure and of employment potentials in the Third Sector - should be the starting point for the design of employment policy. These differing goals therefore were acknowledged in the PUSH project. Concepts for their connection and implementation have been presented and disseminated in workshops and international meetings.
Contact: Sandra Kotlenga