completed Projects
Mind the Gap! Improving intervention in intimate partner violence against older womenThe work, the seven partners (University of Bialystok, Hungarian Academy of Science, Institute for Conflict Research in Vienna, German Police University, Cesis in Lisbon University of Sheffield / Norwich, Zoom e.V. in Germany) started in the IPVOW-project will be continued in the frames of a new DAPHNE III project. Coordinator of this project is Zoom – society for prospective developments.(Duration 03/2011-02/2013) The products are available under
SiliA – Action programme "Security for the elderly"
Together with the German Police University Zoom e.V. coordinated and supported the action programme "Security for the elderly" (SiliA) funded / initiated by the Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. We were particularly happy to coordinate and support the implementation of results gained in previous research projects. (Duration 2008-02/2012)
Managing school to work transition at a regional level
In cooperation with the Adult Education Centre Göttingen (Volkshochschule) and the Employment Promotion Agency Göttingen (Beschäftigungsförderung kAöR) Zoom e.V. strives to establish the regional management for the school to work transition. The project runs until 2012 and is funded by the Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund. (Duration 2008-2012)
Evaluation of the project "Work in Grone – Work for Grone"
Grone is a part of the city of Göttingen. The project "Work in Grone – Work for Grone" was implemented by the Employment Promotion Agency Göttingen (Beschäftigungsförderung kAöR) and funded by the programme BIWAQ. Zoom e.V. was responsible for the evaluation of the project. (Duration 2008-2012)
As subcontractor to the Sociological Research Institute Göttingen (SOFI) Zoom e.V. and two other organisations evaluate the implementation of the pilot project “Internal, integral support for work integration” by the Federal Employment Agency. (Duration 2008-2011)
ISPR – Innovative strategies for the prevention of re-offending
Since December 2007 Zoom e.V. was part of a local network in Göttingen which was headed by the municipality’s European office. The network participated in a wider project headed by the European Forum for Urban Security which aimed to disseminate innovative ideas/strategies to prevent the re-offending of people released from prison. (Duration bis 2011)
Coalition for jobs II
Zoom e.V. did evaluate the implementation of the "regional coalition for jobs for people over fifty" in the southern part of Lower Saxony. The programme was funded by the Federal Ministry of Work in the context of the national programme "prospects 50plus – regional coalitions for jobs". (Duration 2008-2010)
IPVoW - Intimate partner violence against older women
This is an EU-funded research project which focused on the situation of elderly female victims of intimate partner violence (IPVoW). The seven project partners represented a range of organisation from six countries. (Duration 2009-2010)
Evaluation project "ALFA – Everything for all"
The project ALFA did aim to develop strategies to prevent the occurrence of violence in public places. Zoom e.V. was responsible for the evaluation of the project. (Duration bis 12/2009)
Study: Work integration of social security recipients with addictions
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health Zoom e.V. did conduct a survey of best-practice for the work integration of social security recipients with addictions. (Duration 11/2008-06/2009)
Evaluation project "Go Willi"
The project "Go Willi" did aim to prevent the occurrence of violence in public places. Zoom e.V. was responsible for the evaluation of the project. (Duration 2008-2009)
EMDELA - The emerging design of local labour market integration
Zoom e.V. did co-operate with the University of Giessen (project supervisor: Prof. Evers) in a four country comparative study and looked at how active labour market policy can help to overcome poverty with regionalized employment policies. (Duration 12/2005-03/2007)
Employment Compact for Older People in the Region of Göttingen
Zoom e.V. worked together with 29 organisations in the Employment Compact "50plus - experience you can count on!". With scientific studies, integration and prevention the Compact did improve the employment situation of older people in the region of Göttingen. (Duration 2005-2007)
PUSH - Public Subsidised Employment in Europe
PUSH initiates an exchange on the possibilities and framework of publicly supported employment. Under the management of the Lawaetz foundation, Zoom e.V. organises with further partners national and international workshops on the topic between February and September 2006. (Duration 11/2005-10/2006)
Project "Daphne - YiES"
Daphne - YiES examines good practise in schools in coping with inter-culturalism and conflicts in four EU-member states. (Duration 05/2005-04/2006)
Project "Jobs and Sports"
The evaluation of the Leonardo project "job & sports" documented and considered approaches designed to increase the employability of disadvantaged youth through sports. (Duration 11/2004-11/2005)
Project "instruments & effects"
By connecting employment policy and the Third Sector, Zoom e.V. conducted the project "instruments & effects." From November 2002 to January 2005, this project was funded by the European Social Fund. The primary goal of the project was to develop recommendations in order to secure the multi-faceted objectives and organisational forms of the Third Sector for societal development. (Duration 11/2002-01/2005)
Conference "Diversity One Way!"
On 12 May 2005 a conference with entitled "Diversity One Way!" took place in Dusseldorf, which was planned and organised by Zoom e.V. on behalf of the Ministry for Health, Social Affairs, Women and Family of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Verein für soziale Arbeit und Kultur Südwestfalen e.V.
Project "Sexual victimisation of the elderly"
Sexual victimisation of the elderly has been looked at in a practice-oriented research project. The goal was to find out how key institutions cope with sexualised violence against seniors. (Duration 01/2004-12/2004)
Project "CREE - Create Equality in Education"
One example of our commitment is our participation in the project "CREE - Create Equality in Education" in which we looked at activities designed to overcome discrimination in schools. We analysed how such activities should be arranged and which factors facilitate or hamper a successful implementation. (Duration 2002-2004)
Project "A lifeline service for senior citizens in Germany"
Possibilities for an easy-access lifeline service (telephone/email) for senior citizens were examined through a survey of the demands together with a colloquium of experts in the field, which was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth. Currently, we are working on a concept and the future implementation of such a lifeline service. (Duration 2002-2003)