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Study: Work integration of social security recipients with addictions

Commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Health Zoom e.V., the Research Team In-ternational Labour Market (Forschungsteam Internationaler Arbeitsmarkt GmbH) and Prof. Dr. Dieter Henkel are carrying out the study. The study looks at existing provi-sions of job centres for social security recipients with addictions in particular regard-ing advice and job placement. Aim of the study is to get a comprehensive overview of all such provisions with a focus on best-practice examples, which will be analysed and edited (2008-2009).

After carrying out a nationwide online survey of all job centres we will conduct an online survey of the organisations with whom the job centres cooperate regarding advice on addictions. Finally a workshop with experts is planned to discuss the re-sults of the study.


HENKE, J., HENKEL, D., NÄGELE, B., PAGELS, N. & WAGNER, A. (2009): Erhebung von Ansätzen guter Praxis zur Integration Suchtkranker ins Erwerbsleben im Rahmen des SGB II. Abschlussbericht an das BMG. (download)

Contact: Nils Pagels