Violence in its multi-facetted forms is another focus of our activities. In our work, we look at the physical, psychological and verbal forms of violence as well as negligence. In our opinion, it is necessary to analyse the individual forms of violence within the context of the power relations within society. Thus, topics like discrimination, exclusion and violence are all closely linked to each other. Violence in families, for example, can, from our point of view, only be understood if the current constitution of the family and gender relations are taken into account. We are interested in approaches for prevention which do not cover up the conflicts on which the phenomena of violence are based, and we support a culture of conflict in which different interests can be negotiated productively.Currently, we are working on the topics of sexual victimization of senior citizens and of violence at schools.
Violence at schools
Fortunately the public has become more sensitised to the phenomenon of violence at schools. This sensitisation can be observed for violence among pupils, and increasingly for violence between teachers and pupils as well. Pupils become victims of physical and psychological harm as well as sexualised aggression, they are socially excluded and mocked, their belongings are destroyed or stolen, and they are discriminated against because of racism or because of physical characteristics, etc.
Educators have become aware of the fact that not only individual or family disposition, but also the structure of the German educational system and the school culture has a significant influence on the behaviour of pupils. Therefore, schools can contribute to reducing violent conflicts and showing alternative ways of action. Zoom e.V. analyses, conceptualises and accompanies projects that help to fight discrimination and violence at schools and that help pupils feel appreciated as individuals, so that they can articulate their interests and learn how to negotiate them with others.
Sexual victimisation of senior citizens
That elderly women, and sometimes elderly men, become victims of sexualised violence is often an ignored and tabooed issue in society. Public institutions as well as organisations that work with senior citizens have only limited knowledge about older victims of sexual crimes. Individuals older than 60 years of age are only seldom registered as victims of crimes against sexual self-determination. Elderly women only compose a minority of those who seek women's shelters, women's support hotlines and similar institutions, and they rarely ever report cases of sexualised forms of violence. Nevertheless, continuing victimisation in partnerships and other forms of family relations of senior citizens are not uncommon. Sexualised aggression and sexual coercion are elements of a comprehensive pattern of violence, suppression and control. Violence experienced by senior citizens also mirrors wider social structures, such as the discrimination of older people and the disadvantaged position of women in society. Zoom e.V. tries to de-taboo the topic and assist the victims and give them a voice.
Completed Projects:
Project "Daphne - YiES"
Daphne - YiES examines good practise in schools in coping with inter-culturalism and conflicts in four EU-member states. (Duration 05/2005-04/2006)
Project "CREE - Create Equality in Education"
One example of our commitment is our participation in the project "CREE - Create Equality in Education" in which we looked at activities designed to overcome discrimination in schools. We analysed how such activities should be arranged and which factors facilitate or hamper a successful implementation. (Duration 2002-2004)
Project "Sexual victimisation of the elderly"
Sexual victimisation of the elderly has been looked at in a practice-oriented research project. The goal was to find out how key institutions cope with sexualised violence against seniors. (Duration 01/2004-12/2004)
Contact: Nils Pagels