Violence and the Elderly - Counselling for Senior Citizens
Our involvement in questions of aging is based on research activities on violence and old age (in close co-operation with Dr. Thomas Görgen of the Kriminiologisches Forschungsinsitut Niedersachsen). Staff members of Zoom e.V. conducted scientific counselling for the federal model project "Violence Against Senior Citizens in their Personal Environment" and research on sexualised violence at old age. These experiences showed us the relevance of the topic and the necessity of taking an interdisciplinary approach. We endorse combining various scientific perspectives: We link approaches developed in gender studies with research on violence in the family and against women as well as the findings of gerontology. Out of our work on phenomena of violence and other situations of crisis at old age as well as on strategies for intervention and prevention grew our interest in the counselling of senior citizens in general and counselling through hotlines/a lifeline in particular.With regard to age and counselling, we are interested in the following aspects:
- Counselling and supporting senior citizens to maintain an independent way of life
- Counselling and supporting senior citizens in situations of crisis
- Current and future possibilities for counselling of senior citizens within the context of both national and local support networks for seniors
- Requirements and options for independent counselling
- Requirements und options for counselling with a lifeline service for senior citizens
Completed Projects:
Employment Compact for Older People in the Region of Göttingen
Zoom e.V. worked together with 29 organisations in the Employment Compact "50plus - experience you can count on!". With scientific studies, integration and prevention the Compact did improve the employment situation of older people in the region of Göttingen. (Duration 2005-2007)
Project "Sexual victimisation of the elderly"
Sexual victimisation of the elderly has been looked at in a practice-oriented research project. The goal was to find out how key institutions cope with sexualised violence against seniors. (Duration 01/2004-12/2004)
Project "A lifeline service for senior citizens in Germany"
Possibilities for an easy-access lifeline service (telephone/email) for senior citizens were examined through a survey of the demands together with a colloquium of experts in the field, which was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth. Currently, we are working on a concept and the future implementation of such a lifeline service. (Duration 2002-2003)
Contact: Barbara Nägele