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Experience you can count on!

Employment Compact for Older People in the Region of Göttingen

In the competition "Regional Employment Compacts for Older People" of the National Department for Economy and Labour (BMWA) the contribution of the County of Göttingen "50+ - Experience you can count on!" was awarded. With the slogan "Experience you can count on!", Zoom e.V. worked together with 29 other organisations on the improvement of the employment situation of older people in the region until the end of September 2007.

Goals of this employment compact have been both the integration of long term unemployed in employment as well as the prevention of long term unemployment through the implementation of a work organisation in companies that pays attention to the needs of older employees. Also, by emphasizing the competences and resources of older people, the projects tried to initiate a change in public and companies' attitudes.

Zoom e.V. was involved in the employment compact with scientific-conceptualising and participative activities manly in three areas. Firstly, Zoom e.V. supplied two scientific analyses on the topics "Best practice in Europe" (in co-operation with the European Office of the City of Göttingen) and "Older People in Companies" (in co-operation with the Regional Federation of Southern Lower-Saxony); secondly, participation processes for the design of regional employment policies for older people have been initiated and accompanied.

Further information:

About the study "Older People in Companies"
About the study "Best practice in Europe"
About the participation activities

Contact: Nils Pagels and Barbara Nägele